USCHA 2024 Workshops

We are excited to have a number of our staff attend the 2024 US Conference on HIV/AIDS (USCHA) this year. We'll be presenting two sessions next week... We'd love to see you if you're there! Come say hi and learn about our work!

REACT! Addressing the HIV, HCV, & Overdose Epidemics in SF

Date: September 13, 4:15 PM - 6:15 PM

Location: BOLDEN 2, Level 2

Workshop Description: Learn about SF Community Health Center’s (SFCHC) Community Engagement programs, which take a status neutral and trauma-informed approach in connecting PLW, and at-risk for HIV, who use drugs, to care and treatment. These programs engage people who use drugs (PUD) and are community designed, led, and driven. SFCHC’s work is at the intersection of HIV, HCV, and Overdose Prevention.

Creating Brave spaces for PLWH Through Trauma-Informed Care

Date: September 14, 9:00 - 11:00 AM

Location: Imperial 5A, Level 4

Workshop Description: This interactive session is intended to be a research into practice design in which participants will be able to leave with tools and curriculum based on San Francisco Community Health Center’s (SFCHC) innovative and comprehensive service model. At the heart of this workshop will be SFCHC’s cherished tradition, known as the Joy Luck Club and facilitation tools from the Dare to Lead curriculum created by renowned researcher, Brene Brown.


The Lotus Project & Stop the Hate September 2024 PDF


SF Homeless Sweeps are Threatening Lives