Trans: Thrive stands for Transgender Resource and Neighborhood Space (Trans), and Transgender Health & Resource Initiative for Vital Empowerment (Thrive)
Trans: Thrive is the incarnation of the transgender drop-in started by UCSF and transferred to SF Community Health Center. As part of SF Community Health Center, Trans Thrive includes all services provided for the Trans/GNC community at SFCHC. Trans Thrive is more than a drop in center, it’s services for US, by US.
We aim to create safe spaces, events and services for the entire trans/GNC community. From case management and medical services (including Primary Care, HRT and Needle Exchange), to mental health and substance use support, to social groups and special events, to a drop in center (with snacks and refreshments, clothing closet and a computer lab), we have it all! We are trans services for US, by US. Together, we can get to health, wellness, and equality. Everyone is respected in this space!
* In Loving Memory of Michelle Henry
The Trans Thrive Drop-In space is open five days a week at 1460 Pine St (between Larkin & Polk Streets) from 2–4:30pm
Folks who come to the drop-in for the first time are asked to fill out an intake form and meet with a staff member to discuss expectations and the benefits of the drop-in space, which include: a lounge, computer lab, clothing closet, and other amenities. Everyday there are groups (with food) on various topics.
Transgender people of color
Transgender people living with or at risk for HIV
Transgender people with substance abuse issues
Homeless and marginally housed trans people
Trans people in jail & re-entering society
Transgender youth, gender variant and non-conforming
Transgender people new to Bay area
Anyone on the trans/GQ/GV spectrum
Drop-In 2-4:30pm
Drop-In Counseling 2-4pm
Non-Binary Group 3:30-4:30pm
Trans-Masc Group 6-7:30pm
Drop-In 2-4:30pm
Transformative Mindfulness 3:30-4:30pm
What’s TEA?! 4:30-6:30pm
Asian Trans Empowerment 5-7pm
Drop-In 2-4:30pm
Align Surgical on Phalloplasty & Metoidioplasty 3-4:30pm
Folk ‘N’ Swagger 4:30-6:30pm
TM4M Nights 6:30-10pm @ Eros