Drop-In 2-4:30pm
Align Surgical on Phalloplasty & Metoidioplasty 3-4:30pm
Folk ‘N’ Swagger 4:30-6:30pm
TM4M Nights 6:30-10pm @ Eros
Folk ‘n‘ Swagger
Join us every 4th Thursday from 4:30-7:30pm for an exquisite shopping experience for trans masculine folks, by trans masc folks. This is the perfect place to pick up some new digs, meet friends, and learn more about what’s out there in community.
Events takes place at Trans: Thrive. Trans: Thrive is located at 1460 Pine St (between Larkin & Polk Streets). Our Drop-in center hours are Monday - Friday from 2:00–4:30pm.
Reception Phone: (415) 292-3415
Email: transservicesteam@sfcommunityhealth.org
Trans: Thrive Services are for:
Transgender people of color
Transgender people living with or at risk for HIV
Transgender people with substance abuse issues
Homeless and marginally housed trans people
Trans people in jail & re-entering society
Transgender youth, gender variant and non-conforming
Transgender people new to Bay area
Anyone on the trans/GQ/GV spectrum
San Francisco Community Health Center
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