SFCHC Digital Toolkit
The following style toolkit is meant to define San Francisco Community Health Center’s ethos and design elements, such as fonts, colors and proper logo usage. It is designed to ensure consistent usage of our identity across all platforms.
Communications Ethos
Our communities deserve to thrive. Comprehensive and culturally affirming healthcare is a key ingredient and everyone should be able to access it, regardless of our ability to pay.
San Francisco Community Health Center believes that healthcare should be, and can be, a source of healing—of the mind, body, and heart.
We believe that a sense of belonging is a basic human need. Our work is more than health services, it is the cultivation of belonging for our clients through our comprehensive and integrated services.
When our communities are healthier, each of us becomes healthier as individuals.
We believe that those of us at the margins are the experts of our own experiences, and that those closest to the issue are best equipped to find solutions. San Francisco Community Health Center is committed to serving and investing in the leadership of the queerest among us, and all of those whose bold existence forces us to rethink and reimagine what’s possible for us all.
We believe in self-determination. In order for this to be possible, providers must walk alongside us as we make choices toward our own wellness and respond with attunement and understanding of our cultures and lived experiences.
We believe it is in our power to create the world that we deserve, one that respects, honors and cares for all of us.
Our Tone
We embrace our community as they are, and affirm the courage it takes to seek support, especially for those of us who are so often rejected, dismissed, and dehumanized in traditional healthcare settings.
Our community has power when we work together. We invest in the leadership and growth of our staff and community. We create pathways to help community members develop their skills and join us as staff and leaders. We believe in the potential of each and every one of us and invest in advancement.
We speak up for what we believe. We advocate for policies at the city, state, and federal levels that prioritize access to quality health services for those who need it. We believe it is in our power to create the world that we deserve, one that respects, honors and cares for all of us. We cultivate relationships with policymakers and change-makers to follow community leadership and move us towards that vision.
Our team operates from a place of joy and celebration. We love what we do and we love who we do it with. We believe culturally affirming healthcare can provide a pathway towards healing. Our community deserves to be celebrated.
San Francisco Community Health Center original colors are calming and muted blues and a vibrant purple. Additional complementary colors support with contrast and a youthful appearance that reflect many of our community programs
CMYK 55/100/0/0
RGB 137/41/141
HEX #89298D
CMYK 0/0/0/65
RGB 119/120/123
HEX #77787B
CMYK 51/24/25/59
RGB 65/87/94
HEX #41575E
CMYK 51/24/29/2
RGB 128/162/173
HEX #81A2A8
CMYK 26/60/0/72
RGB 53/29/72
HEX #351D48
CMYK 0/0/0/65
RGB 119/120/123
CMYK 51/24/29/2
RGB 128/162/173
CMYK 24/0/94/5
RGB 181/241/1
HEX #b5F101
CMYK 0/5/100/0
RGB 255/242/0,
CMYK is for print. RGB is for onscreen, digital colors. HEX codes are for online websites.
San Francisco Community Health Center fonts are all OFL (Open Font License) fonts that are often universally available.
This is the primary mark typeface. It does not include additional styles. Use sparingly if at all.
Shown in: Julius Sans One Regular with 0.5 pt stroke and 120em tracking
ROBOTO (H1, H2, H3)
Roboto and Roboto Condensed is an OFL (Open Font License), universal typeface with 12 and 19 styles, respectively, with high versatilty for headers.
Shown in: Roboto Bold and Roboto Condensed Bold
Open Sans is an OFL (Open Font License), universal typeface with 20 styles. This readable font can be used for body or header text.
Shown in: Open Sans Regular
San Francisco Community Health Center logo can be used vertically or horizontally. Monochromatic primary and complementary colors can be used to help the logo stand out or complement designs, shown in the samples below.
PowerPoint Template
An updated PowerPoint template with SFCHC’s new colors is available below.