From Black Lives Matter to LGBTQ Workplace Protection, San Francisco Community Health Center Remains Rooted In Social Justice

As we celebrate the US Supreme Court’s landmark ruling banning workplace discrimination based on sexual orientation and gender identity, we at San Francisco Community Health Center understand that, until all forms of injustice are abolished, this victory remains but a partial one.

The events of recent weeks have exposed like never before the systemic racism ever-present in our core institutions. Our health care systems are not immune, as systemic racism has led to inadequate access to quality care and poorer health outcomes among Black Americans.

Since its inception over 30 years ago, San Francisco Community Health Center has evolved into what we are today – a people of color, LGBTQ, and homeless focused community health center dedicated to providing quality care to anyone in need, regardless of race, color, age, nationality, income, insurance, sexual orientation, gender identity, or any other status. And San Francisco Community Health Center will never stop fighting until health care is equally accessible and fully responsive to our Black and African American communities.

We stand in solidarity with the Black Lives Matter movement and are committed to ending systemic racism.


Board of Directors

San Francisco Community Health Center

San Francisco Community Health Center grieves the murders of George Floyd, Breonna Taylor, Tony McDade, Ahmaud Arbery, and Rayshard Brooks by police.

San Francisco Community Health Center mourns the lives of countless Black trans women murdered in recent years, including Michelle Tamika Washington, Muhlaysia Booker, Tracy Williams, Clair Legato, Celine Walker, London Moore, Cathalina James, Antaswh’a English, Sasha Garden KiKi fontroy, Bee Love, Pebbles LaDime Doe, Dominique ‘Rem’mie’ Fells, and Riah Milton.

San Francisco Community Health Center remembers the many individuals of our homeless community who have died on our streets – 48 in the past two months.

San Francisco Community Health Center condemns all forms of police brutality.

San Francisco Community Health Center rejects white supremacy.

San Francisco Community Health Center fights racial injustice and all forms of racism.

San Francisco Community Health Center believes that Black Lives Matter.

San Francisco Community Health Center believes in Trans people of color.

San Francisco Community Health Center believes that housing and health care are human rights.

San Francisco Community Health Center is committed to actions that support #BlackLivesMatter.

San Francisco Community Health Center will deepen its work as a social and racial justice organization.

San Francisco Community Health Center will persist in its work to provide the highest quality health care to the queerest among us.


Letter From The CEO – End of Year Wrap Up


Too Much To Bear