Gonorrhea persistent foe as other STIs plunge in SF ft. Dr. Dan O'Neill, CMO

“Dr. Dan O'Neill, the chief medical officer at the San Francisco Community Health Center, was less bullish than Spinelli or Roman on doxyPEP — but he did state, as a potential explanation for the gonorrhea persistence, that it's possible the bacteria is becoming more resistant to tetracyclines in the population.

While I feel certain doxyPEP is a contributing factor, causality can be tricky to pin down with such a complex topic," O'Neill stated in an email to the B.A.R. "It is also still relatively early to know how this new intervention will play out, as the full story of doxyPEP is yet untold. In particular, evidence of growing population-level tetracycline resistance is concerning for both the STD gonorrhea, which doxyPEP has been less helpful in curbing.’ “


On the future of urban HIV responses (co-authored by Lance Toma)


Press Conference: SFCCC National Health Center Week (ft. Lance Toma)