SFCHC urges you to “Go Out and Vote!” in the 2022 U.S. Midterm Election

San Francisco, Calif. — Tuesday, Nov. 8, 2022, is election day in California and throughout the country and we urge you to vote and make your voice heard. This election will decide the fate of one-third of the U.S. Senate, all 435 seats in the House of Representatives, governors’ offices in 36 states, and countless other state & municipal races. 

It seems we say this a lot, but it cannot be overstated: this election is crucial. As a friend of San Francisco Community Health Center (SFCHC) we know you value human dignity, social justice, LGBTQ rights, reproductive choice and, of course, access to quality health care for every individual. We have made so much progress on these issues and fought too hard together to stand by while a vocal minority of bullies seeks to turn us back. In California, the right to reproductive choice is on the ballot. In San Francisco, there are fifteen initiatives addressing several important issues, including homelessness, affordable housing, and transportation. As members of the San Francisco Human Services Network (HSN), please see HSN’s endorsement of several San Francisco & California ballot measures.  

And of course, what we decide together on Tuesday will have repercussions beyond our city and state. This election will indicate what America stands for and what our future holds. Tragically, it is not an understatement to assert that this election risks putting our country on a path that it may not be able to come back from.  

At SFCHC, key areas that were once seeing legislative progress are now threatened. These are a few that stand out:  

  • Civil Rights— The ongoing police violence towards Black Americans, rise in hate crimes towards Asian Americans during the COVID-19 pandemic, rise in antisemitism, and the legislative attacks against the LGBTQ+ community & gender-affirming care serve as examples of what is at stake for many marginalized communities. This election will decide how we continue our fight for social justice. 

  • Climate Change— In an early 2022 report, the United Nations made clear that without immediate reductions in emissions across industry sectors, the limiting of global warming will be beyond reach. The next Congress will either continue the fight for a sustainable environment or reverse our hard-fought environmental gains.

  • Economic Disparity, Medicare, & Social Security— Inflation and gas prices have burdened millions of Americans. Will we elect officials who strengthen the social safety net or cut spending from Medicare & Social Security to fund more tax cuts for the wealthy? 

  • Democracy— Our 242-year-old democratic experiment is only as strong as the laws we enact to protect it. With over 30 new voting restrictions enacted across the country since 2020, we must stand up for our democratic principles and ensure everyone has a voice in the political process.

  • Reproductive Rights—As a result of the Supreme Court ruling in Dobbs v. Jackson Women’s Health Organization, states now have the power to protect or restrict access to reproductive choice. In California and several other states, there are ballot measures to establish state constitutional rights to abortion. In other states, there are moves to restrict that right.  

It is up to all of us to fight for a future that allows everyone to realize the promise of America. A place where we lead with humanity. A place where one’s existence isn’t threatened simply because they are perceived as different. A place where one’s bodily autonomy is honored. A place where no one is forced to stand 10 feet behind the starting line while others receive a head start. A place where we value our planet and ensure its sustainability for future generations. And a place where everyone gets a seat at the table.  

Be strong. Be healthy. Be heard. Vote! 

In love and solidarity,  

–San Francisco Community Health Center  


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