Trans Health

Here at San Francisco Community Health Center we believe in providing respectful and culturally humbling care that supports your health goals. We provide a trans/GNC (Gender Non-Conforming) affirming environment that encourages patients to develop long lasting relationships with our healthcare providers. Transgender people may seek any one of a number of gender affirming interventions, including hormone therapy, surgery, facial hair removal, interventions for the modification of speech and communication, and behavioral adaptations such as genital tucking or packing, or chest binding.

What We offer

  • Primary Care

    • Your medical home for health, wellness and equity. Basic day-to-day healthcare by providers who are here for your needs.

    1. Feminizing hormone therapy

      • The goal of feminizing hormone therapy is the development of female secondary sex characteristics, and suppression/minimization of male secondary sex characteristics. Feminizing hormone therapy also brings about changes in emotional and social functioning. The general approach of therapy is to combine an estrogen with an androgen blocker, and in some cases a progestagen.

    2. Masculinizing hormone therapy

      • The goal of masculinizing hormone therapy is the development of male secondary sex characteristics, and suppression/minimization of female secondary sex characteristics. Masculinizing hormone therapy may bring about changes in emotional and social functioning, though these can vary from person to person and stereotypes should be avoided. The general approach involves the use of one of several forms of parenteral testosterone.

    3. Electrolysis

      • Electrolysis is a way of removing individual hairs from the face. A small amount of electricity or a solution of sodium hydroxide is introduced to the base of the hair follicle in order to permanently remove the root of the hair. Treatment can be applied to most facial areas including eyebrows, chin, upper and lower lip, jaw line, and sides of the face.

    4. PrEP and PEP

      • PrEP or pre-exposure prophylaxis is a daily pill to help keep you HIV-negative. When taken as prescribed, PrEP is highly effective. PrEP is safe and generally well tolerated

      • PEP or post-exposure prophylaxis is a combination of medications that an HIV-negative person takes for 28-30 days AFTER a possible exposure to HIV. PEP is most effective the sooner it’s started, and must be started within 72 hours of the exposure.

    5. HIV/STD Testing and Treatment

      • Free, rapid and confidential HIV testing. STD screening and treatment options at your finger tips.

      • RAPID (Rapid ART Program Initiative for HIV Diagnoses) program, which will provide rapid access antiretroviral therapy (ART) to persons newly diagnosed with HIV (or out of care) and have a smooth transition to their medical home.

      • Direct Observe Therapy (DOT) or management of medications, treatment adherence counseling.

    6. Mental Health and substance use counseling

    7. Substance use and treatment services

    8. Counseling and referrals for gender affirming surgery.
