Media Statement: San Francisco Community Health Center Re-Commits its Support of Pregnant People

For Immediate Release: June 25, 2022

We Will Not Stop

Today is a dark day for so many in this country. The Supreme Court of the United States (SCOTUS) has ended access to abortion as a constitutional right which has returned access to abortions to the states. Many of us recognize that a loss of bodily autonomy and civil rights for one group endangers those of other communities.

At the San Francisco Community Health Center, we are committed to transforming lives by advancing health, wellness, and equality. Whether you are a gender minority, racial or ethnic minority, or any person with a cervix, we are here for you. We support access to abortion, gender-affirming care, and harm reduction in addition to important issues like voting rights.

Today, SCOTUS has reminded us all that any of the rights that we and/or our ancestors fought for are not alienable. Many of our rights anger those who would prefer to discriminate against us.

“Each and every day, we are looking for new and innovative ways to improve education and access to healthcare in a way that works for our community. They guide our work each and every day. And we will fight for them in and out of the clinic,” asserts SFCHC COO Ming Ming Kwan. SFCHC commits itself to uplift the voices of those who are unheard or pushed to the side. We will continue to work with legislators locally, statewide, and nationally to ensure pregnant people have bodily autonomy whether they live in California or anywhere else in this nation.

The San Francisco Community Health Center centers its work on supporting those communities who have had their mere existence legislated for centuries: women, BIPOC, LGBTQ+, unhoused, and substance-using populations. SFCHC CEO Lance Toma states, “When we say that we love our patients, it is not just words. We love our patients through actions.”


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