LBTQ Health Equity Initiative

SFCHC provides project planning and implementation of activities designed to build the capacity of service providers to deliver culturally and linguistically responsive health and/or health-related services for LBTQ communities under the California Department of Public Health's Lesbian, Bisexual, Transgender, and Queer (LBTQ) Health Equity Initiative. SFCHC addresses well-documented but largely unaddressed health inequities that result from a range of challenges including deeply rooted systemic anti-LBTQ bias, lack of culturally responsive care, and an alarming lack of medical services and research tailored to lesbian, bisexual, transgender, and queer women as well as transgender men, non-binary, and gender non-conforming persons.

The Transgender Learning Collective - Advancing Capacity-Building Resources and Education Services (TLC-ACRES) project is funded by the California Department of Public Health, through the LBTQ Health Equity Initiative (LBTQ Initiative). This grant from the LBTQ Wellness and Equity Unit centers community solutions and leadership in order to eliminate health disparities and research gaps impacting diverse LBTQ Californians. 

The LBTQ Unit leads the planning and implementation of the LBTQ Initiative funding to address gaps in knowledge and research, increase access to culturally appropriate and affirming health services, and support local community outreach and education efforts. San Francisco Community Health Center is a recipient of funding to help support these efforts.


Empower Her


STAHR (San Francisco Transgender Alliance for Health Resources)